Oracle Readings
Welcome Home Dear Soul
This is a magical moment...we have entered into a personal and planetary ceremony of collective awakening to dream a new world into being. Some of you may have felt the call. It’s the soul’s longing to come home to self. A yearning to be in alignment with the essence of who we truly are underneath all the conditioning that we inherited from an old system that was never in alignment with truth, love, sovereignty and creative expression.
If you’ve arrived here we are one and the same. A traveler, dreamer, healer, a guardian of the Earth...our healing accounts for billions. Are you feeling me? We must find the others before it is too late. They are here amongst us beneath the fallen ash and debris. We were all trained as first responders. We get sucks but we preserve. Now put your big boy and girl pants on, lift yourself from the fallen ash and rumble. Find your voice and take a stand. If you need support we are here. We are the same. We are our fallen sisters and brothers and we trust that their transition has paved the way for a brighter tomorrow. Now let’s get started...This is an invitation to root, dream, love, create...Emerge into be-ing!

Next Steps...
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